Complaints Proceedure

This document contains the IARM complaints process.

IARM is committed to an open, transparent, and fair complaints process, that meets all legal requirements and that is worthy of both the complainant, the mentor, and the organisation.

IARM takes seriously any complaint received regarding the organisation or a member. IARM undertakes to respond to any complaint made about any aspect of the organisation’s activities or activities of Relationship Mentors in a timely manner.

Complaints Process:

  1. All complaints need to be notified to the Practice Committee at
  2. The Practice Committee will then inform ;
    1. the Chairperson of IARM (
    2. the Guardians of IARM and
    3. the mentor who is the subject of the complainant’s
  3. All legal responsibilities will be considered and responded to according to the legislation in place.
  4. The Practice Committee will reflect upon the nature of the communication received from the complainant.
  5. The Practice Committee will determine if the communication received constitutes a complaint.
  6. If the Practice Committee determines that the communication does not warrant an investigation, they will then notify the complainant and mentor of their decision. This will be the end of the matter.
  7. If the Practice Committee determines that a complaint has been received which warrants a full investigation, the Guardians shall be asked to appoint a “Complaints Facilitator/Chair” to oversee the process and facilitate the complaints process, in conjunction with the practice committee.
  8. Both the complainant and the mentor will be facilitated by the Complaints Facilitator/Chairperson to explore and give voice to their experiences.
  9. Both the complainant and the mentor will be facilitated by the Complaints Facilitator/Chairperson to find an appropriate conscious solution. It is through safe holding that emergence of co-creativity in the resolution of differences in the relationship between complainant and mentor will appear.
  10. The mentor’s Shared Vision Supervisor may be facilitated by the Complaints Facilitator/Chairperson to support their supervisee in this process.
  11. Where practicable, the exploration period will be two working weeks, although every effort will be made to expedite the process. A further two weeks will be allowed to bring about a resolution.
  12. The Complaints Facilitator/Chairperson will communicate the resolution to the Practice Committee. The Practice Committee will then communicate this decision to the complainant who will be offered an opportunity to respond.
  13. If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome, and wishes to appeal the decision, they must contact the Practice Committee within two working weeks.
  14. If the Practice Committee receive an appeal, they will inform the Complaints Facilitator/Chairperson.
  15. The Practice Committee together with the Complaints Facilitator/Chairperson will then decide on how to proceed.
  16. The Complaints Facilitator/Chairperson may facilitate a conversation with the complainant and with the mentor, to explore and give voice to their experiences.
  17. Both the complainant and the mentor may be facilitated by the Complaints Facilitator/Chairperson to find an appropriate conscious solution.
  18. A decision on the outcome of the appeal will be made by the Practice Committee (in conjunction with the Complaints Facilitator/Chairperson) and communicated to the complainant as quickly as possible.
  19. Should the complainant be dissatisfied with the decision of the Practice Committee and Complaints Facilitator/Chairperson, they will be offered a further opportunity to respond.
  20. On receipt of such a response the Practice Committee will notify the Complaints Facilitator/Chairperson and together they will reconsider the matter and review their decision.
  21. Their reviewed decision will be conveyed to the complainant and the mentor.
  22. This will be the final internal decision on the matter.

The Practice Committee and the Chairperson will seek at all times to support both the complainant and the mentor.  The process seeks to find resolutions and solutions that are worthy of both the complainant and the mentor.