Fitness to Practice
Relationship Mentoring is a unique psychotherapeutic and counselling approach. IARM provide validation, regulation and an ethical framework for Relationship Mentors working in Ireland.
IARM has established stringent professional practice standards, alongside ethical frameworks and support policies and procedures, which safeguard both our members and the members of the public with whom we work.
Members of IARM are governed by ethical standards of practice with Continuing Personal Reflection, Shared Vision Supervision, continuing deepening of conscious awareness, alongside continuous professional development, seen as crucial elements for “fitness to practice”.

Validation helps to ensure that Relationship Mentors work to recognised standards of professional competence. Validation also assures the client that the Relationship Mentors will work within an agreed ethical framework and code of practice.
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Shared Vision Supervision is seen by IARM as an essential part of ensuring Relationship Mentors are “fit for practice” and must be undertaken to achieve and maintain validation.
Shared Vision Supervision

Ethical Practice
IARM is committed to the development and promotion of safe, ethical, and competent practice for all our members, which we believe ensures appropriate safeguarding for members of the public. IARM understands that the cornerstone of safe and competent practice is the ethical framework that we have developed and that all our members commit to.
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Continuous Professional Development
IARM recognise that CPD is an important and valuable process for mentors to engage in, alongside their ongoing CPR. Members should be aware that CPD is a requirement for all professional bodies regulated by CORU.
Ethical Framework CPD FAQs - CORUContinuous Personal Reflection
Continuing Personal Reflection on the state of one’s own internal world and engaging in Shared Vision Supervision provide a guarantee of ethical practice. Responsiveness to the welfare of the Client is reflected by the Mentor working strictly within their parameters of competence and providing services on the basis of adequate training and/or experience.
Continue ReadingInsurance
It is a membership requirement of IARM that all Relationship Mentors hold current, valid, insurance. It is the mentor’s individual responsibility to ensure that their insurance is current and valid for their level of training and qualification.
Some members use OBF etc and Insurance can be obtained from any relevant insurance provider.

Complaints Procedure
IARM will respond to any difference or unmet need made about any aspect of their activities or about any member of the organisation acting in their capacity as a Parent or Relationship Mentor. All differences need to be notified to the Practice Committee and Chairperson of IARM.
IARM will ensure that all differences will be dealt with promptly and in confidence and both the Mentor and the communicant will be informed of the outcome within a reasonable length of time.
Continue ReadingGarda Vetting Information
It is a membership requirement of IARM that all members are fully Garda Vetted by this organisation. Please contact the Garda Vetting Liaison Representative for further information.
Email: for more information